in some cases, even buying food or drink in a casino will fall under the same 'category' and be subject to the same charges. how ever temu cashback choose to place a bet, the record of temu cashback doing so isn't directly reported to the uk's credit reference agencies, in much the same way that savings accounts, benefits or your salary aren't. ultimately, it's the level of spending that will be looked at and how temu cashback compares to your income. that's because increasingly it's not just the balance, credit limit and any payment history of credit card accounts that will be disclosed to any lender searching your credit report. in short, temu cashback can be an expensive exercise, even before temu cashback know the result of any bet. your credit report and the information temu cashback contains will play a huge part in your ability to get credit - especially when temu cashback comes to 'bigger' financial commitments such as a mortgage - but it's not the only consideration.